Conference Program

Day 1 - June 13

Day 2 - June 14


Session 1: Performance Modeling and Dependability

Invited speakers: Masetto, Cavallini, Melillo, Gualtiero (NTT Data and Sky Italia)

Title: Do you have the X Factor on performance tuning?


Part 1: how to use APM (Application Performance Monitoring) in SAP e-commerce projects to monitor infrastructure, applications and digital experience, in a single automated solution based on artificial intelligence: Dynatrace. (15 min)

Alessandro Masetto – Digital & Technology Leader at NTT DATA

Diego Cavallini – Executive Manager at NTT DATA

Part 2: Sky X Factor case (Voting Platform): the best synergy between Cloud tools and technology to reach a highly scalable and performing application for a very large audience event. (15 min)

Raffaele Melillo – Senior Software Engineer at NTT DATA

Gualtiero Debernardi - QA & Automation at Sky Italia

Session 2: Cloud and Edge Computing

Invited speaker: Matteo Zanioli (Arsenalia)

Title: Quality assurance: turn up everywhere


The quality assurance process is mandatory for some kind of projects. In Arsenalia we defined processes and tools for managing that during the all phases of a project: from the kickoff to the application maintenance. The talk will describe processes and tools, highlighting what we are doing to improve them and what we are looking for increase the efficiency.

Session 3: Tools and Frameworks

Invited speakers: Ponzoni Roberto and Geremia Matteo (Almaviva)

Title: Preventivass: Scalabilità e performance su AWS.


Il caso d’uso, come abbiamo creato un sistema in grado di gestire picchi di traffico non prevedibili fino a 50.000 preventivi al minuto senza grandi risorse dedicate. Overview di come le best practice, CI/CD e analisi statica del codice possono aiutare a mantenere elevati standard di qualità su progetti moderni e complessi.

Session 4: Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning